2.2.3 Virtual reality in training activities: the case of the Automotive sector

2. Steps for creating training in virtual reality

2.3. Finalizing preparation

After all complementing tasks were finalized, the next step compounds photo shooting of all component parts and other parts as well as documenting the working space for assembling to be virtualized and reproduced in virtual reality. The photos can be divided into three types: reference photos, texturing photos and panorama photos.

Reference photos serve for better demonstrativeness and base for the 3D designer to accomplish his/her task. These photos are then used also to confront the 3D model depicting the imagination of the 3D designers with the real, physical and actual state of the virtualized object.

Second type of taken photographs denotes photos for texturing and material covering. The very important requirement for these photos is the conditions of shooting them in right angle to the surface of given object parts that are texturized.

Third and last photo types represent panorama records that are used for virtualization of surroundings. In other words, these photos build the background of the whole scenery and virtual workplace. These photos serve for reality close perception of the whole virtual training.

To demonstrate the aforementioned activities on the assembling and installation of a instrument panel for a personal car, this step compounds next personal visit of the realizing team representatives to the producing company. During this visit, the team members take photos of all components and objects using perspective mode to create reference photos. After all reference photos were created, the realizing team shoots photos without perspective for texturing and modelling the surface of the material.

After all components including screws, bolts, gripping, anchoring, front case cover of the dashboard, doors, tachometer, r. p. m. counter and other objects were documented and photographed, the working tools utilized for the assembly is being photo shoot including industry screw driver and air screw drivers. The photos are taken of the working table and assembly line too, including all utilized stands, technical drawings and support tables, eventually cranes or other levering tools. Panorama photos of the whole working place and assembly hall are shoot. These are made from the middle of the working place of the future assembling team. These photos are later combined in the virtual reality environment to build 360° panorama to emulate the reality close perception of the trained worker.