5.1.9 Preparing for virtual teamwork

Site: Moodle
Course: DAMAS "Digital Apprentices Mobility in the Automotive Sector"
Book: 5.1.9 Preparing for virtual teamwork
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Date: Monday, 16 September 2024, 3:05 PM


Our interaction in everyday professional life is becoming more and more digital.

In addition to emails, messenger services and forums, the use of  video conferencing systems has become common.

See what skills are needed to work remote - not only in case you are going for a full virtual mobility, but also if your team is dispatched on several sites for example:

The digital future of work



EU project "fit for 4.0"

You might want to check for the outcome of this EU project "fit for 4.0" :https://www.fitfor4-0.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/EN-Set-of-competences-for-teachers-and-trainers.pdf

    “Fit for 4.0: training trainers and teachers for the 4.0 paradigm” is a project co-funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme.
    Its goal is supporting teachers and trainers in the transition towards the new learning paradigm required by the digital transformation and the fourth industrial revolution

    5 skills your need to work effectively from home



    1. Keep up the energy, motivation and production -  be very disciplined, organized and have a structured schedule 

    2. Communicate often with your manager and team members via email phone chats, WhatsApp on a daily basis. 
      => This helps socializing despite the distance and strengthens the links and efficiency in the end. 

    3. Be able to use all online and project management tools effectively and share the results of your work, make them visible too. 

    4. Being time-conscious due e.g.  to other time zones 

    5. Being comfortable on your own as you will be isolated and sometimes lonely  



    >>> Our digital actions have an impact.
    • In the digital world, we can act quasi-anonymously and be traceable with great difficulty only. 
    • Nevertheless, we are ultimately responsible for our actions.
    • => But are you already sufficiently prepared for this, media-competent role?

    >>> In addition, there is a shift of boundaries
    • as to what is technically possible, but also
    • as to the influence of digitalisation on the world of work and on people in general.
      => How can we really be aware of what is good and fine...and who can define (and ensure) what is allowed?
    >>> Make sure you feel comfortable and safe with working online.
      Else, do get back with your questions to your manager - at best already before leaving for your mobility.


    As a VET student starting your mobility in a company abroad, you will step into an already existing team, with often fixed roles and dynamics.

    Check below videos and see here what to expect.

    First of all, try to reflect  and analyze your current role in your company, in your home country:


    In order to be fitter for team communication abroad, reflect about the possible obstacles to it.

    All the more if you carry out your mobility fully online, as the barriers to clear team communication will be even higher.   

    Inform yourself, read and watch following contents:


     Even in your own country, body language can be interpreted ...and misinterpreted.

    => Check for this explanatory video

    and try to figure out what the codes will be valid in your country of mobility:  


    With all this in mind, you will be in a position to attend, observe and take part into your first Online Meetings with the company you will be working for during your mobility.

    => Evaluate the number of meetings you would wish to have before the mobility properly starts, and with which objectives.

    >>> You should see to it that you meet (online) the whole Team at least once before you start.
    AIM : get to know (virtually) everyone and introduce yourself.

    >>> Then you should also have a 1:1 (online) Meeting with your future manager for the time of this mobility
    AIM: state the expectations on both sides and set your objectives clearly, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of these.