5.2.2 Online communication and trainings during the mobility

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Course: DAMAS "Digital Apprentices Mobility in the Automotive Sector"
Book: 5.2.2 Online communication and trainings during the mobility
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Date: Monday, 16 September 2024, 3:24 PM


During a blended and even more during a fully virtual mobility, you will need to care for communication between you and your colleagues and manager. The aim is to increase work efficiency from both sides to avoid misunderstandings and last but not least to keep up or boost motivation. Formats of online communication

While the communication started from email, today, numerous communication ways virtual. However, there are still big discrepancies from company to company or within workshops:

1. Emails

It is one of the first and fastest forms of communication.

It is deemed to be professional everywhere, saves time and money for both the sender and receiver.

Checklist for writing Emails successfully

In order to ensure that nothing stands in the way of successful communication by e-mail, the following points should be observed (See also: 5.1.7 - Email Etiquette).


At the beginning ...

Polite form of address (e.g.: "Dear Sir/Madam", "Dear Sir/Madam ...")

Comma at the end of the salutation and blank line.


The content ...

Reference to a previous e-mail / Briefly introduce yourself

Blank line

Actual content - formulated briefly and meaningfully

Appendix explained in the text, if applicable

Blank line

Further possible procedure + accessibility

Blank line

Finally ...

Polite farewell greeting (e.g.: "Yours sincerely", "Kind regards")

First and last name

Signature - address, phone no., e-mail address, website if applicable


Before sending ...

Subject - formulated meaningfully

E-mail addresses of recipients correctly written

If applicable, put recipients in "CC".

Read e-mail again and correct if necessary

Consistent font colour, size and style

Content structured with bullet points, if necessary


Source: www.biwe.de


2. SMS

It is the common abbreviation of Short Messaging service. As the name suggests, it is short and instant, usually with 160 characters. They are typically transmitted from the sender to the receiver via phone or the internet.

It can be considered a shortened mailing service since it is like mail, except less official and more casual. It does not have a subject line like mail, and it has a character limit.

3. Instant messengers

This is a recently evolved, more popular method of communicating. 

It is more prevalent amongst youngsters and college students since it features alphanumeric characters – pictorial messages known as emojis.

Various pictures of small sizes and dimensions can be pasted in the chat to convey messages to the sender.

In this form, unlike others, the receiver is online or is available continuously to receive messages. The sender sends messages, and the receiver simultaneously types and replies to the messages making it an instant messenger

WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, Yahoo chat are a few of the famous examples of the instant messenger.

4. Forums

Forums are also called discussion boards, and they are usually conducted online. There are multiple users present, and each of the users interacts with each other by posting messages on the same trail of messages.

It is considered useful to have debates on multiple topics. It is yet another format that has been picked up by Facebook and introduced on its social media site.

The users can post a ‘status’ which acts as a starting point for interactions. The comments below the post are collected and stored below the same post, and it takes the look of a forum.

5. Whiteboards

This application usually works like a physical whiteboard in which one person can be said as a presenter shares the board with other viewers, and he can draw or write while others can see it.

It is prevalent in educational institutes and is excelled for one-way communication. Google has recently introduced its whiteboard by the name of Google Jamboard.

6. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

This is used to denote any transmission between more than one user. Usually, multiple users can use VoIP. It is a viral communication method, and it also captures the subtle nuances of verbal communication.

It is also used to host meetings and conference calls in businesses. It has further evolved into Video conferencing. In video conferencing, both the sender and receiver can see each other and talk simultaneously.

Cameras are required for the process of video conferencing. Many meetings are conducted via video conferencing.

Source: https://www.marketing91.com/online-communication/

7. Web conferencing tools

Skype is widely praised by the users for some of its features that include free Skype meeting, PowerPoint collaboration and screen sharing. 

Cisco WebEx is a widely used web conferencing and online meeting tool, as well as MS Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, calendly..etc

Source: https://eztalks.com/video-conference/7-best-cloud-collaboration-tools.html  Training Plan (Online or hybrid) during the mobility

Training plan content:

  • An introducing session on the national context and company rules
  • An introducing session on health & safety issues
  •  A preliminary interview on expectations and theoretical knowledge acquired in the field
  •  A specific work-placement constantly monitored by the mentor and complementary with the
  • knowledge delivered by MOOCs
  • A final evaluation session through questionnaire and practical exercise.

1. Expected impact of the training plan

a) Soft skills such as linguistic, interpersonal and intercultural competences, team-work and self-development skills. 
=>Measurable with a self-assessment tool + final evaluation session.

b) See here the importance of intercultural competences: 



c) Technical skills related to the professional sector.

=>Measurable with the final questionnaire and practical exercises.

2. Requirements for an efficient training implementation

  • A good knowledge of English as this will help you to….
    • increase your self-confidence
    • increase your adaptability skills
    • develop your problem-solving skills
    • develop your communication skills, speaking with people from different nationalities and cultures and
    • get a new mind set
    • improve your listening skills
    • develop your empathy skills and emotional intelligence, understanding the other's situation, perceptions and feelings from their point of view
    •  improve your team-work skills 

  • The willingness to upgrade his/her competences in the specific professional sector

  • The mentorship dialogue starts and ends with learning, transparency and open communication. intercultural skills for better understanding

3. Different kinds of learners

The mentor should bear in mind that there are different kinds of learners and combine the various ways for a better learning effect: 

  • Doer:
    Like to be actively involved in learning process, want to know how they will apply learning in real world, like information presented clearly and concisely.

  • Feeler:
    People-oriented, expressive, focus on feelings and emotions; thrive in open, unstructured learning environment.

  • Thinker:
    Rely on logic and reason, like to share ideas and concepts, analyse and evaluate, enjoy independent work.

  • Observer:
    Like to watch and listen, tend to be reserved, will take their time before participating, and thrive on learning through discovery.

4. Objectives of the training:

  • To let trainees enter a European work dimension

  • To increase trainee’s social and intercultural competences

  • To increase trainee’s knowledge on the job

  • To increase trainee’s self-confidence in terms of employability Health & Safety Training

Safety regulations can help to prevent and/or minimize risk for accidents, which in turn support employee well-being and workplace effectiveness.


On the first day of the mobility:

  • the mentor should:
    share the Health & Safety rules with mentees in order to guarantee their safety during the internship. Be it Online or on-site.

  • the trainees are asked to:
    observe all established safety rules
    report problems on site to the assigned mentor
       without any delay and refrain from conducting personal business
       during work   hours (emails, calls, visits or other)

=> All the internship venues must be chosen considering:
- the national safety regulations
- emergency plans
- first Aid Kit
- staff trained on the first aid measures according to the national rules.




1. Essential safety rules Legal aspects & behaviour

  • Illness during Internship

In case of illness, the inter should inform the mentor and the sending organization as soon as possible. The mentors will provide the necessary support to the interns in case of need.


  • Behaviour during internship:
    • be polite & friendly
    • be punctual & reliable
    • show commitment and initiative
    • show interest, e.g. by asking questions
    • do not be a smart ass
    • make contacts
    • keep private matters private 
    • take things seriously
    • wear appropriate work clothes
    • barely go alone, e.g. lunch break with colleagues
    •  proper communication, e.g. report illness immediately

  •  ! Lack of proper work attitude

o    If the intern does not have an appropriate work attitude, the mentor should inform the sending organization.

o    A meeting may also be requested by the mentor.

o    The mentor will invite the student to a meeting at which areas for improvement will be identified.


  • ! Early termination of the mobility

Depending on the specific circumstances, the intern may be warned or even barred from completing the internship, for instance due to:

o    the use of offensive language.

o    Wearing attire that is provocative or offensive

o    Reporting for duties while under the influence of alcohol, illegal,
      prescribed or non-prescribed controlled substances.

o    Inappropriate behaviour



1. Some interesting links

Virtual communication: Best Practices

1) Communication Best Practices to Implement During Your Virtual Internship

 The Intern Hustle:             https://youtu.be/9H9kAo7kZ4Y


2)  Remote Internships:



3) How to Prepare for a Zoom Video Interview or Meeting:



4)       Want to excel at your virtual internship?:
