4. What automotive companies have implemented VR employee training solutions?

4.2. CASE 2 Audi

Managers in Audi believe that the main advantage of the virtual training program is its effective use in any plant, regardless of its location.

Training in virtual reality is not tied to a special room or profile equipment. Thus, the economy of production resources is achieved.

Audi has a complicated logistics system that requires exceptional accuracy from employees. So, Audi has created virtual reality training to teach logistics employees ergonomic moves and prevent errors.

Trainees find themselves in the virtual model of the real workstation in the Ingolstadt Logistics Center. With the HTC Vive and controllers logistics employees train hand movements they need for their everyday work.

Audi also uses game-like virtual training for dealership employees. The trainee communicates with customers in the VR app and gets points for every interaction. The program counts the points and indicates trainee’s errors at each stage.