6. Types of Assessments

F2F: In a traditional learning scenario, the trainer often tests students after delivering a fixed set of learning modules. This is most likely an in-person assessment that is closely monitored and occurs at a specific date, time, and place.

Exams and Quizzes are typically delivered in the face-to-face classroom during regularly scheduled class time. Students are usually monitored during the exam period which is limited to the length of the meeting period.
Review of the assessment typically takes place during a class meeting.

Assessments in eLearning contexts are generally more flexible when compared to traditional methods. Today, eLearning modules have frequent knowledge checks and short assessments in place to ensure that the content has been well received. Exams in an eLearning scenario might be timed and may use screen recorders to ensure integrity. 

Online: Exams and Quizzes are given online. Typically there is a window of opportunity during which a student can begin taking an online exam or quiz, but once started the assessment may be timed. 
Review of the online assessment takes place online. It is up to the teacher which fields are displayed in the feedback, but common review fields include, the question, whether the student got the answer correct or incorrect, the correct answer, comments, and the grade.