Your way to a successful interview

How to behave in a job interview

  1. It is normal to feel nervous before a job interview.
  2. Try to relax and to be as calm as possible. Remember that all that the interviewer wants, is to get to know you.
  3. Be punctual (very important), polite and friendly.
  4. When people introduce themselves to you, try to memorize their names.
  5. Don’t forget to turn off your phone.
  6. Body language is very important when we try to make a good impression.
  7. Try to keep a relaxed posture and keep your back straight, but not stiff.
  8. Leaning in slightly when someone is speaking to you further demonstrates that you are actively listening.
  9. When the conversation starts, always maintain eye contact.
  10. Don’t talk too fast and let the other party finish before you answer.
  11. Take time to think before you respond because some questions might be tricky.
  12. It is recommendable to be honest with your answers but try to phrase things positively.
  13. What employers primarily look for in a candidate is willingness to perform and interest.
  14. If you can be convincing about both accounts, your chances of getting the internship/job will increase significantly.