1. Culture Shocks in everyday life


Culture shock is an experience of disorientation while living under new circumstances, in a new culture, or unfamiliar practices/ways of living. It can be exhilarating—and overwhelming.

One of the best ways to prepare for the experience of culture shock is to understand culture shock symptoms 
and become familiar with the culture shock stages that you may face.


---->  If you get well prepared through reading and watching Videos BEFORE you leave, an objective could be going  through these phases with as much serenity as possible.

Check for this or other videos on the topic "Cultural Adjustment while Abroad" :    


Re-entry or reverse culture shock can happen once you return home after living abroad for an extended period.

You may quickly realise that 
things are very different from when you leftand feel like you no longer belong as your family, friends and even your home town have changed and moved on without you.

You might find yourself saddened that your newly learned customs and tradition are not applicable in your home country, and you have to go through the whole process of adjustment and adaptation all over again!