The virtual mobility skills

1. Intercultural skills and attitudes: gaining cultural knowledge; understanding cultural perspectives; enhancing own cultural identity; enhancing and demonstrating cultural understanding; applying intercultural awareness in culturally challenging circumstances

2. Networked learning skills: learning to work and cooperate in an international setting with the use of ICT and social platforms; learning about dealing with complex situations; learning about dealing with ambiguity;

3. Active self-regulated learner skills: being able to self-regulate learning process; being able to self-reflection on learning experiences; demonstrating ownership and self-discipline in learning;

4. Media and digital literature: being proficient in using online learning technologies; being proficient in assessing quality in courses and resources found online; being digitally literate; being proficient in using digital platforms

5. Autonomy-driven learning: demonstrating self-directedness in decision-making on own learning; demonstrating independent learning

6. Interactive and collaborative learning in authentic international environments: enhancing teamwork skills; collaborating with peers from different discipline; collaborating with peers within the context of an international learning experience; interacting with authentic international resources in a foreign language;

7. Open-mindedness: being open- minded and tolerant; demonstrating self- confidence in interaction with peers and teaching staff; showing willingness to improve proficiency in foreign languages.

Last modified: Wednesday, 30 November 2022, 10:00 AM