Looking at the VM activities to be developed, we can say that the characteristics of most VM activities include that they:

1. Are not too complex so that a whole class of students may benefit from the activity;

2. Are as practically oriented as possible, also to suit the lower level students who are less theoretically trained nor inclined;

3. Are manageable in a relatively short time-frame, and preferably not real-time, not to upset the structure of the study programs too much or not to take up too much of the extra students’ time outside the study programs;

4. Use ECVET recommendations to describe the knowledge, skills and competences

5. Lead to a tangible product;

6. lead to using and possibly improving the students’ language skills.


To create a safe and functional IT environment it’s important that IT Tools are looked upon as an aid and not a barrier. The motto is: keep it as simple as possible and learn as you go along!

Therefore VM trainers are suggested to: 

- Use the benefits of tools and technologies but no VM activity and technology without a transparent vision and strategy;

- Choose the right tools for the right jobs; there are tools for instruction, communication, collaboration, reflection and many more;

- Define what needs to be done synchronously (real-time exchanges) and asynchronously (over a period of time, not real-time);

- Choose ICT technology that is user-friendly, reliable and accessible for all the stakeholders involved;

- Use the tools that are available at the partner parties involved first and trainers may have experience with already;

- Use the tools students suggest if they are easily available and accessible (telephone functions, etc.)

- Familiarize themselves with the tools, test them beforehand and provide guidelines and support; ask students to provide guidelines for new tools.

- Communicate explicitly about the tools that will be used and to which end they will be used


It’s vital that students are involved in the design, outline and planning of the VM activity from an early stage to enhance their intrinsic motivation. If the VM activity is looked upon as a to do jolly or ‘just another activity we have to do’ it may fail from the very onset of the activity.

Important student characteristics of effective and successful VM activities:

- They should be highly, intrinsically motivated

- They should have a fair measure of self-responsibility

- They should able to plan and organize their own learning process

- They should be willing to be pro-active

- They should have a foreign Language level to suit their role and task

- They should have ample ICT skills to perform well

- They should preferably have some knowledge of or even experience in virtual communication activities

- They should be open-minded, flexible; they should have respect for diversity and intercultural differences

- They should have a degree of self-reflection capability

Senest ændret: onsdag den 30. november 2022, 10:10