The following are the main macro areas that distinguish the online and the face to face training: 

1. Asynchronous Learning vs Synchronous Learning

One of the most significant differences between face-to-face learning and online learning is that face-to-face learning is synchronous, or done at the same time. All instructors and students/classmates are present in face-to-face learning.

With online learning, however, that is not necessary. Online instruction can be either synchronous or asynchronous.

2. Delivering Knowledge vs Facilitating Learning

In face-to-face classes, instructors are usually just delivering knowledge, and then assessing the understanding of that knowledge at a later date.

This is compared to online learning, where instructors are seen more as facilitators of learning — helping their students understand the material through provided online materials.

3. Teacher vs Person-Led Advancement

While both online and face-to-face learning can have components of both student-led and teacher-led curriculum, online study lends itself better to student-led advancement and learning. In online study, students can decide for themselves what they want to dig deeper on, and spend more time learning.

4. Discipline and Self Motivation

Some may say that it is harder to succeed in online education, and that is because you must be highly self-motivated and disciplined. In online learning, no one is keeping you on track — you must be your own motivator, time keeper, and disciplinarian.

5. Measuring Performance

In both face-to-face and online learning, instructors must have a way to measure performance. This is typically done by way of submitting assignments, administering tests, exams and quizzes, and creating points for participation. Participation and class ‘attendance’ is harder to measure in an online learning environment.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 March 2023, 7:02 AM