Challenges of Distance Learning for Students

Though COVID-related restrictions will likely begin to relax as the pandemic wanes and vaccination rates rise, it seems unlikely that the e-learning industry, which experienced explosive growth in 2020, will become obsolete in 2021. On the contrary, the virtual education industry had a value of $171 billion in 2019 — that is, prior to the coronavirus pandemic — “and is expected to grow [by] 10.85% by 2025,” according to PR Newswire. 

While it’s easy to see both the benefits and relevance of distance education, such as increased flexibility, mobility, and affordability, it’s equally important to acknowledge the potential challenges with distance learning for students. From grade-schoolers to graduate students, e-learners at all age levels must overcome obstacles that are unique to virtual education, such as asynchronous communication and ever-present opportunities for time-wasting distractions. E-learners also face challenges that, while often present in the traditional classroom, can be amplified in a virtual setting, such as delayed or unclear instructor feedback. 

As an educator or aspiring teacher, it’s important for you not only to understand and empathize with the challenges of online education for students — but even more critically, to help implement effective solutions. While e-learning may pose certain difficulties for students, it also creates exciting educational opportunities, opening doors for young and adult learners alike. To help your students seize these opportunities, learn about the challenges of online distance learning they face — and what steps you can take as a digital instructor to help your e-learners succeed.

What Are the Challenges of Online Learning for Students?

What are the challenges of distance education for students who attend class online? Here are four virtual learning disadvantages that educators need to be aware of. 

  1. Ineffective Time Management

Research has proven that successful “time management is associated with greater academic performance and lower levels of anxiety in students.” Unfortunately, the same research also uncovered that “many students find it hard to find a balance between their studies and their day-to-day lives” — and worse, that ineffective time management was associated with outcomes like “poor sleep patterns” and “increased levels of stress.” Effective time management can be especially difficult in a distance learning environment, where students are challenged to pace themselves — without the support from friends and peers that would help them stay focused in class.

2. Lack of Instant Communication 

In an in-person setting, communication happens instantaneously, making it easy for students to get answers and clarify points of confusion. In an e-learning setting, communication is often asynchronous, which means there’s a gap between teacher and student. It’s easy for misunderstandings to develop in these gaps — sometimes, allowing a problem to snowball before it can be corrected.

3. Not Receiving Timely Feedback  
Providing feedback is one of the most important and meaningful ways that a teacher engages with a student. When feedback is delayed by additional days or weeks because of an online format, students can become confused or uncertain about your expectations, their progress, and their performance in your class.

4. Not Receiving Clear Instructions or Expectations

It’s always crucial to set clear expectations for students. Otherwise, they can only guess at whether they’re performing tasks and projects correctly. While setting clear standards is a challenge in any classroom, asynchronous communication can make it a greater obstacle. 

Now that we’ve explored the challenges of online learning for students, let’s focus on something even more important: how to overcome them.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 March 2023, 7:03 AM