2. Steps for creating training in virtual reality

2.1. Preparation

First step contains the selection of the object to virtualize; the object has to be photographed for digitalizing, a digital 3D model is created and parsed in the virtual reality environment. For this step the cooperation of the required customer/organization is necessary. 

Thus, the production company provides available technical documentation for all objects to be virtualized, preferably in electronic format or in printed form. This step is also called creating scenarios for designing simulation in virtual reality. The customer company has to collaborate in designing scenarios mirroring the individual working processes along the assembly line to be reality close emulated by the virtual reality simulation. 

The outcomes of this first step is the summary of all documents for all objects and scenarios for all work processes necessary for creating the required training in virtual reality environment. 

In our concrete example of virtual dashboard installation in a personal car, it means the selection of the dashboard to be installed with all its assembly parts and the place of installation at the assembly line. The producing company provides all materials denoting all 3D components and objects that are available in electronic form including all technical drawing documents containing the technical drawing of the assembly hall, tools and equipment utilized for the installation. 

The realizing team is then able to compose and build the dashboard in digital form in virtual reality and create the training for workers.