Digital technologies play an important role in the learning process, not only supporting the adaptation of techniques for various theories and elements of the respective areas but also the acquisition of knowledge about new techniques for specific industries such as the automotive, aerospace, and aeronautic industries, among others. The collaboration between educational institutions and companies must be aimed at improving innovation and creativity competencies, providing students with a professional future with better employability prospects.

Some of these talents can be pursued in the areas of computer-aided design, manufacturing and engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE), and digital manufacturing, as well as in different fields of specialization such as simulation of processes and physical phenomena. In addition, 3D drawing training is useful, especially when analyzing situations beyond design such as simulating flow and making/testing product prototypes, as it offers more precision and control. Furthermore, 3D CAD drawing skills are useful to former students employed in consultancy and engineering design areas. 3D printing/I4.0 helped to improve students’ lifelong learning skills, creating an innovative and forward-thinking mindset. IoT, cloud computing, autonomous robots/AI, simulation, VR/AR, additive manufacturing, BD, informatics security, and integration of horizontal and vertical systems are areas of interest to be improved.

To introduce students properly to many relevant I4.0 elements, teaching and training in the automotive sector should be oriented to specific topics such as simulation studies on real-time data and optimization, AI, BD, enhanced productivity education on additive manufacturing and advanced robotics, maintenance/logistics studies through augmented reality, and evaluation studies on the environment, society, and economics. Within these topics, AR and VR involve an alternative method for perception of the surrounding real world. This is achieved by using virtual elements imposed through various technological devices such as smartphones, tablets, or virtual reality devices. Moreover, VR is defined as the development of simulated experiences similar to real-life situations. Improved VR/AR is being used in the early stages of product development and the construction and validation of prototypes. VR/AR technologies are valuable tools not only in the design stages but also in the training of operators in assembly processes, allowing safe interaction with the product prior to commissioning.

This part analyses actual situation of currently utilized educational methods in automotive sector with focus on application of innovative methods using ICT and describes possible implementation of virtual reality into employee/learner training in automotive industry.

Employee training equips workers with know-how that is essential for their work. Information and communication technology (ICT) enable applying various innovative methods for employee training.

Applying ICT in education may improve the quality of education and the active participation of trainees on educational process. One of it represents the virtual reality technology that represents interactive virtual environment with the most possible resemblance to physical reality. The most suitable sectors for implementing virtual reality trainings are e.g. flying trainings of pilots, simulating surgical interventions in chirurgery, remote control of robots or production and assembling. 

Therefore, this unit tries to provide and describe implementation of virtual reality for employee/learner training in the automotive sector in case of assembling a car instrument board of a personal car. It describes the development process stage by stage including brief description of processing at individual stages for better demonstration.