2. Steps for creating training in virtual reality

2.2. Complementing

The main purpose of this step is to complement all missing data for virtualization of all objects required for the virtual reality training. In other words, during this step it is necessary to physically visit the producing company in person and to analyze if all necessary documents for all needed objects and components are available for digitalization.

At this step, the personnel of the realizing team identifies and documents all objects that shall be included in the virtual reality training and for which the necessary documents and descriptions are missing from the preparation step. This means to shoot photos of all missing objects, to measure them to document their dimensions and to create their digitalized reproductions. During this complementing step the individual processes building the training scenarios are digitalized as well. This is done with camera recording of the processes, if possible. If recording is not possible, the process is emulated following the process descriptions delivered in first step in collaboration with representatives of the customer company to identify any gaps, unclear or forgotten activities or components and to clarify ambiguous parts.

At the end of this step, all data necessary for simulating the training in virtual reality environment will be collected.

 To demonstrate this step for the selected activity of assembling dashboard and its installation into a personal car, it means the realizing team visits the producing company including their assembly line and observes the reproduction of the assembling activity and records it with a camera.

The realizing team examines whether all components and objects utilized during the observed activities were already in possession of the realizing team for virtualization and identifies objects that are missing or deviating from delivered documents. It shoots photos of all components needed for the assembling of the dashboard and records all its attributes including dimensions, descriptions of surfaces and other features. It concludes in-depth description of all objects and detailed depiction of the assembly process step by step. The underlying document also narrowed determination of the functionality included in the final simulation in virtual reality environment along with the detailed description of the creating process.