2. Steps for creating training in virtual reality

2.4. Modeling

Finalizing all the documenting part, the real physical objects and components are reproduced in virtual reality. Each single component, object and tool is reproduced individually using the lowpoly (low polygon technology) technology. This processing mode denotes modelling in simple forms where all complex surface characteristics are emulated through texturing, e.g. the threads of a screw etc. The selection of this technological procedure for modelling allows faster processing of the objects and also higher processing speed of the final software application due to lower visualizing complexity.

Electronic models provided by the customer company are transformed into lowpoly format. Components documented only in paper form by technical documentation and drawings or reference photographs are being created from the scratch by 3D modelers. All in lowpoly format. the 3D object models build the base and the essential part of the scenery with highest importance.

To demonstrate the processing activities on chosen procedure for assembling of car dashboard, it means that all materials and documents received from the producing company in first process step and created by the realizing team in second process step are delivered to designer team responsible for 3D modeling. They process component by component and transform it into lowpoly format.