2. Steps for creating training in virtual reality

2.5. Texturing

Next step, the texturing, is usually done simultaneously in parallel with 3D modeling step. During this step, the textures and surface emulating models for the materials are being created and prepared utilizing special technological procedure to eliminate the visibility of connecting lines and to ensure smooth flow.

It stands for creating 2D visualizations of 3D models. Graphic designers combine textures with unwrapped 2D visualizations and create details like oil flecks etc. to emulate real physical working environment to the greatest possible extend.

To demonstrate this processing on selected training activity, at this step a major part of the 3D designers creates 3D models of all objects and the remaining team members are dedicated to model unwrapping of composed 3D models of all objects including screws, pads, matrixes and bolt nuts as well as individual parts of the car dashboard like tachometer, r. p. m. counter etc. Each unwrapped object is then provided to 2D graphical team to get “dressed” which cover all models with appropriate corresponding textures. At this state, the modeling part and the graphical processing of 3D models for these objects is finished.