2. Steps for creating training in virtual reality

2.9. Testing

When all objects are modeled, animated and enriched with interaction logic, the testing can start. The testing compounds several testing aspects: testing the graphical interface containing all model objects of the simulation, testing all required and programmed functionality of all objects and the simulated workplace surroundings, etc.

The testing consists of several testing scenarios applied in software development industry in following order:

·        Integration tests – testing all individual features separately and common interaction of all software objects working together;

·        System testing – the application is tested as whole with focus on compliance with functional requirements and technical specification;

·        Regression testing – analyzing whether adding new objects, functionality and/or bug fixes has no influence on previously achieved and tested functions

·        Installation testing – the overall computational performance and load capability of the whole system is sufficient with regards to end hardware, operating system and installed software;

·        Acceptance testing – end to end testing following various cases described in the specified scenarios and test cases.