Formats of online communication

1. Emails

It is one of the first and fastest forms of communication.

It is deemed to be professional everywhere, saves time and money for both the sender and receiver.

Checklist for writing Emails successfully

In order to ensure that nothing stands in the way of successful communication by e-mail, the following points should be observed (See also: 5.1.7 - Email Etiquette).


At the beginning ...

Polite form of address (e.g.: "Dear Sir/Madam", "Dear Sir/Madam ...")

Comma at the end of the salutation and blank line.


The content ...

Reference to a previous e-mail / Briefly introduce yourself

Blank line

Actual content - formulated briefly and meaningfully

Appendix explained in the text, if applicable

Blank line

Further possible procedure + accessibility

Blank line

Finally ...

Polite farewell greeting (e.g.: "Yours sincerely", "Kind regards")

First and last name

Signature - address, phone no., e-mail address, website if applicable


Before sending ...

Subject - formulated meaningfully

E-mail addresses of recipients correctly written

If applicable, put recipients in "CC".

Read e-mail again and correct if necessary

Consistent font colour, size and style

Content structured with bullet points, if necessary


Source: www.biwe.de