Legal aspects & behaviour

  • Illness during Internship

In case of illness, the inter should inform the mentor and the sending organization as soon as possible. The mentors will provide the necessary support to the interns in case of need.


  • Behaviour during internship:
    • be polite & friendly
    • be punctual & reliable
    • show commitment and initiative
    • show interest, e.g. by asking questions
    • do not be a smart ass
    • make contacts
    • keep private matters private 
    • take things seriously
    • wear appropriate work clothes
    • barely go alone, e.g. lunch break with colleagues
    •  proper communication, e.g. report illness immediately

  •  ! Lack of proper work attitude

o    If the intern does not have an appropriate work attitude, the mentor should inform the sending organization.

o    A meeting may also be requested by the mentor.

o    The mentor will invite the student to a meeting at which areas for improvement will be identified.


  • ! Early termination of the mobility

Depending on the specific circumstances, the intern may be warned or even barred from completing the internship, for instance due to:

o    the use of offensive language.

o    Wearing attire that is provocative or offensive

o    Reporting for duties while under the influence of alcohol, illegal,
      prescribed or non-prescribed controlled substances.

o    Inappropriate behaviour
